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Avoid This

This section includes some pitfalls to avoid when you're writing Python that I've seen crop up in student code in 6.101.

Don't assign the output of functions that don't return anything

Pay attention to what functions in Python return! list.append, set.remove, set.add, and list.sort are some common functions that you might use in your programs, and they all return None! Instead, they modify the underlying object in-place. Make sure to never assign the output of any of these function calls because they don't return any value.

This means this example below won't return anything and causes an error instead.

# FIXME: DOES NOT WORK!! unsorted.sort() returns None, so this code will fail!
def sort_tuple(unsorted):
    """Takes in a tuple and returns a sorted version."""
    list_to_sort = list(unsorted)
    return tuple(list_to_sort.sort())

If we tried this example in our REPL, we would see this error, due to list_to_sort.sort() returning None.

>>> unsorted = (7, 5, 3, 9, 12)
>>> sort_tuple(unsorted)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 5, in sort_tuple
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

However, we can reference the original variable after calling list.sort on it, and now the function will work properly.1

def sort_tuple(unsorted):
    """Takes in a tuple and returns a sorted version."""
    list_to_sort = list(unsorted)
    return tuple(list_to_sort)
>>> sort_tuple(unsorted)
(3, 5, 7, 9, 12)

Boolean Laundering / Unnecessary nesting

You might find places in your code where code can be simplified or condensed. One way we can often reduce code is by relying on truthiness of data types. Say we want to check whether a list data has any values in it to run a function. We could do:

if len(data) > 0:
    print("list has values!")

However, a more elegant way to do this would be to rely on the fact that lists with elements are truthy, like so:

if data:
    print("list has values!")

This also works for dictionaries and sets.

Another thing to look for when condensing code is boolean laundering, where we manually check the value of a condition and then return True or False based on it. See this example:

def func():
    if condition:
        return True
        return False

Notice that if condition is True, we return True, and if it's False, we return False. These 4 lines can be condensed into 1 if we just do:

def func():
    return condition

Another thing we can check for is unnecessary nesting of if statements. If we want to run a function based off of multiple conditions, you might have several if statements nested like this:

if condition1:
    if condition2:
        if condition3:

Notice that do_thing() will only run if condition1 and condition2 and condition3 are all true. We can combine these with the and operator, like so.2

if condition1 and condition2 and condition3:

When to use i as an iterator

In many programming languages, it's convention to use i as an iterator, which is why you'll see for i in range(n) as the first line of many for loops in Python. However, you should only use i when you're iterating over a range of integers, to match convention with other languages. If you're iterating over other data structures, try to pick a variable name that captures what that element represents, like in the following examples:

alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
for letter in alphabet:

scores = [12, 57, 35, 17]
for i, score in enumerate(scores):
    print(f"Player {i} has {score} points.")

people = ["Cameron", "Jeff", "Sarah"]
for person in people:

Return inside a loop

Python uses the indentation of your code to organize it into blocks. This link has a diagram of what that looks like. This means that your code will behave differently based on its indentation level, so you should pay attention to how indented lines of code are.

Say we create a function to increment a counter, and we want to return the last value.

def count(n):
    counter = 0
    while counter < n:
        counter += 1
        return counter  # Wrong indentation level!! Returns immediately.

Because of how it's indented, the return statement on line 5 is inside the while loop. This means that the function will return on the first iteration of the while loop, preventing the loop from continuing. Without changing any code, we can change the indentation level of the last line to make it return after the loop is finished.

def count(n):
    counter = 0
    while counter < n:
        counter += 1
    return counter  # Correct indentation, returns at the end of the loop.

Be careful whenever you put return statements around loops, as returning a function inside of a loop will stop its execution and might not be what you intend to do.

Making Unnecessary Copies

Functions that update an object in-place will generally be much faster another function that returns a copy of that data structure. As an example, consider the following code that adds all numbers under a million to a set b.

b = set()
for i in range(1_000_000):
    b = b | {i,}  # SUPER SLOW!

Line 3 will create a new set (containing b | {i,}) on every single iteration and reassign the b variable to that new set. Creating all those new sets takes a long time to finish, and in reality, we just want to add some new values to the b set.

Fortunately, we have lots of options for how to fix this line of code. An easy one would be to replace line 3 with our handy |= operator from the Useful Functions section.

b |= {i,}

If you remember, this operator is identical to set.update, so we could write line 3 this way as well:


Finally, we could also just use the set.add function you're familiar with to add a single element to our set.


  1. The best way to sort tuples would be to use the sorted function and convert to a tuple, like tuple(sorted(unsorted)), but for this example, we convert to a list so we can use list.sort

  2. Because of Python's short circuit evaluation of and, condition2 will not be evaluated if condition1 is False, so these two code samples work exactly the same!